Child Care as a Weapon

Child Care as a Weapon
February 17, 2012

Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you.
-Aldous Huxley
“Free child care will be a potent weapon,” was a provocative headline in a thinkpiece on world employment in The Economist’s “World in 2012”. The article observed:

“Unemployment will remain high in 2012 in many countries, but for companies everywhere a shortage of workers with skills they need will become a severe problem…. Companies will need to become more inventive if they are to recruit and motivate the people they need…. And the fight for talent will be as fierce in emerging economies, where locals with the ability to thrive in global markets will be targeted by both foreign multinationals and domestic firms with ambitions abroad.

“Pay will remain the heavy artillery in the corporate armory, and firms will need to make an ever-bigger bang with their bucks…. Firms will al so fight with new recruitment ‘smart bombs.’ Google has long been famous for free gourmet food and massages on its campuses…. Providing free child care will be a potent weapon; so will letting employees bring their pets to work.”

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