Most Beautiful Parks / Interesting Landscaping

i want to travel to the place !

The Soldgers Press

The world has transformed thoroughly over time. Technology, globalisation and the constant evolution of human beings have radically changed the actual “look” of an urban space. Big cities over the world are mostly made of concrete, steel and high, luminous skyscrapers, cars and public transportation everywhere. It is the world we live in and we can’t change much of that.

However, people are becoming more environmental and aware of the role of Nature in our lives. In an urban space you can actually encounter a green oasis, beautiful parks and even natural reserves.

It’s true that not all cities are lucky enough to be surrounded by lush, luxuriant vegetation but thanks to man-made parks, one can definitely enjoy Nature at its best! We have selected a few beautiful green spaces that are hiding in the concrete jungle from all over the world!

1. Park Güell, Barcelona


Gaudi is a name…

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The Most Interesting Food Trucks


The Soldgers Press

Burgers, tacos, sizzling slices of pizza, Asian delicacies, real German hot-dogs, gourmet sandwiches, gelato, pancakes, authentic kebabs or delicious gyros; we crave for them all, day and night and no matter how hard we try to keep our insatiability in touch, we just won’t refuse one of these mouth-watering snacks.

We absolutely loathe the fact that sometimes we just want to indulge in the middle of the night, after a hard day of work or after one drink too many when all the restaurants are closed.

Now this is the unluckiest day of your life! How can you fulfill that craving, how can you temper that hunger in a proper way? (Please note that nibbling on leftovers beside the sink is not what we have in mind!)

So how can you have a proper snack in the middle of the night? Well, the answer is easy; since the “it’s the…

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Halloween party ideas

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halloween party ideas – pumpkin


On my blog I have posted free literacy activities for you to use on Halloween party day.  These activities integrate literacy and plenty of fun!  Also included is a free Smart Board follow-up activity (if you have access to one).  Enjoy!

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The Angry Parent

May 30, 2013

He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.
-Albert Einstein

In Practical Solutions to Practically Every Problem, Steffen Saifer provides this advice on how to deal with an angry parent:

  • When confronted with an irate parent, regardless of the cause, just listen at first.  Don’t defend yourself, even if the parent is clearly misguided or misinformed.  Remember that challenging the person only fuels the fire of anger. Listen intently and sympathetically.
  • Apologize.  Even if the problem was not your fault, you can apologize for the anguish that the misunderstanding caused….  In many cases this is all the parent is looking for.
  • Tell the parent that you will do what you can to ease her concern.  If you need more information or advice about the problem, tell her what you will do and when you will get back to her.
  • When the immediate anger has cooled, you may be able to offer an explanation or rationale — your side of the story.  Be aware, however, that some people are not interested in reason.  If this is the case, empathize with their concern and say what you have done to make sure this problem will not happen again.

Why Suppress Humor?


May 15, 2013

Although human subtlety makes a variety of inventions by different means to the same end, it will never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple, or more direct than does nature, because in her inventions nothing is lacking, and nothing is superfluous.
-Leonardo Da Vinci

In his article “Laughter and Humor — Not Just Kids Stuff” in the Beginnings Professional Development Workshop on Humor, John Morreall made this observation:

“Humor is an integral part of young children’s play, as it is of human play generally. When children are feeling secure and happy with other children, or with adults, laughter is the most natural sound. According to a factoid that has circulated for years, preschoolers laugh 200-300 times a day, while adults laugh only 15-20 times a day. I’ve never found a reliable source for those numbers, but I do know that schools — from kindergartens to graduate and professional programs — ­systematically suppress laughter. In school, the child with musical ability may be sent to the music room, and the one with artistic skill may go to the art room, but the child with the good sense of humor is sent to the ­principal’s office.

“One thing that gets suppressed by schools along with humor and laughter is emotional range. Most young ­children have at least a dozen faces, but many adults limp through life with two or three faces — or worse, just that all-purpose Professional Cool face. Knowing when and how to engage in humor, is part of emotional intelligence.”


Who Is Happy?

mapMay 17, 2013

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
-Winston Churchill

A Time magazine special report, The Science of You (New York:  Time Books, 2013), explored the question of what causes people in different countries to be happiest.  It concluded that even though people in wealthy countries are generally happier than people in countries torn by strife, wealth, and security are not the most critical determinants of happiness in a country:

  • Costa Rica, the happiest country in the world, isn’t close to being a rich country — with a per capita income of $11,900.  Citizens of Costa Rica, like those in many Latin American nations, “derive much of their happiness from sprawling but close-knit families.”
  • Five of the happiest nations in the world are Scandinavian.  These countries are well-to-do, but “not significantly richer than their sadder European neighbors….  What ultimately distinguishes the region is it s broadly egalitarian societies: these countries have much lower levels of economic inequality than similarly well-off nations….  As it turns out, equality is an important contributor to happiness.”

Learning Simple Arithmetic

April 22, 2013

Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can’t be done.
-Bo Bennett

While preschool children can be taught to recite answers to simple arithmetic problems, it is more important at that stage to help children grasp the rules that underlie the solutions. In The Intentional Teacher, Ann Epstein provides examples of how teachers can implement strategies to enhance children’s early understanding and use of arithmetic:

  • Use real objects when helping children work through arithmetic problems. For example, if a child is building a tower of three blocks, count them with the child, and ask how many blocks there would be if the child added two more to make it taller. Wonder aloud how many blocks would be left if the child made it three blocks shorter. The child can add or subtract the actual blocks and count the result to determine the answer.
  • Pose challenges that build on children’s interests. For example, if a child has drawn a picture of a dog, wonder aloud whether the child can draw a dog “twice as big” or “half as big.”
  • Encourage children to reflect on their arithmetic solutions rather than telling them if they’re right or wrong. When children are stumped (though not yet frustrated) or arrive at erroneous answers, resist the temptation to give the answer or correct them. Instead, offer comments or pose questions that encourage them to rethink their solutions.